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Tuesday, March 15, 2016


'Lithia Creek' by Erica Gwaltney

Why does is seem that our passions are opposed?  
Why are the activities that bring us life and fulfillment so hard to engage in and actually do on a consistent basis? 

I think the underlying issues are more than just disciplining ourselves and time management. That is valid too. We have to make time to engage in our passions and we have to log time to get good at the things that bring us life. 

But, I think our passions are key to us. What I enjoy and what brings me good pleasure are rooted in God's design for me, rooted into my identity. These activities bring me into the presence of God.  God put in me an invitation to meet with Him by putting in me desires and things I love to do.  The same goes for you. Our passions, likes, and dreams usher us into the presence of God.

What if God created me with the passions of nature photography, hiking, decorating, reading and adventuring for the purpose of calling me to meet with Him? When I am taking pictures in nature I get the feeling that it has kingdom value. 

We can expect God to show up in these areas. Our passions are to be pursued and nurtured because they are the areas where we can find God within us.  That is why they are so opposed. 

'Signs of Spring' by Erica Gwaltney

Continue to believe in the dreams that God has given you.
Press forward in your passions believing that God put those in your DNA and He wants you to do those things because He wants to meet with you there.

The reason I am talking about this topic is because this has been something I have wrestled through the last few weeks. In my life right now I have some time on my hands. I have hours in my day that aren't spoken for and I was struggling with feeling bored. I was feeling guilty with how useless I was perceiving myself to be. I am wandering through my house searching for meaning and something to do. My prayer was to God to show me what I should do with my time. He did! 

He showed me to use this time to pursue my passions and put time in on those creative loves of mine. He changed my perspective to view my "hobbies" not as frivolous, but as my craft, my job. These passions are who I am on a true level and worth my time and attention. 

Be more true to who God created you to be. Be aware of what brings you life and then go there and meet with God. 

This post could bring up the question, "What if I don't know what my passions are?"  I will address this in a future blog post.

- Erica 

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