The old saying comes to mind like a flood and fills me with hope. "April showers bring May flowers". The showers are ushering in something beautiful. Even as I lift my gaze through the rain splattered windows of my home, I see new life just moments away from erupting. Flowers are preparing to open up all around me. Buds that have been developing under the surface, are awaiting warmth and sun to finally come forth. Dormant grass is about to turn a brilliant green.
What is it about this picture that brings me such hope? Is it simply the reality that summer time is upon us? That the days ahead are full of breathing in warm air, playing in the lakes, running in the sun, picnics outside, paddle boarding, BBQ's and Bon fires? It's a much deeper hope.
We hope for beauty. We hope for more of Gods Glory. We hope that after enduring the not so pleasant, we will see the beauty of The Lord reign and radiate into our lives in new life altering ways. The great truth is that we will and He does! We push through the difficult days to find a God shaped reality on the other side.
Sometimes I think we need to remember this when the days seem to hold no hope for tomorrow. When we want to give up or not take that step of faith into something that scares us. Remember what is waiting for us on the other side and how beautiful it is. Maybe if we will remember in every season of life the resurrection that's coming, we won't shrink back in fear but step out in hope and faith that now is the time to prepare in the rain what beauty we desire to see after it ceases.
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